Careers and Registration
- Career Information
- Rising Generations Group
- RP Courses
- Women in Science
- Benefits of Professional Registration
- Applying for Registration
- What is the correct level for me?
- Top Tips
- Chartered Radiation Protection Professional (CRadP)
- Incorporated Radiation Protection Professional (IRadP)
- Technical Radiation Protection Professional (TechRadP)
- Maintaining your Registration
- Radiation Protection Council
- Recruitment Service
- Support Schemes
The Radiation Protection Council
Although SRP has awarded Chartered Radiation Protection Professional (CRadP) status since receiving its Royal Charter in 2007, our role as a membership based organisation could potentially come into conflict with being the holder of the Register of Radiation Protection professionals. This is because we could be challenged over the way in which the standards have been set if they are seen to particularly benefit our members or aim to increase our membership.
As a result we have created a Registration Authority which will hold and operate the professional Register. This Registration Authority is called the Radiation Protection Council (RPC) and has power delegated to it by SRP which remains accountable to Parliament via its Royal Charter. In conducting its business RPC will be independent of SRP in all matters except that SRP must ensure that RPC acts at all times within the requirements of the SRP Charter. To this end, SRP has a representative on RPC whose role is to safeguard the SRP Charter and to make reports to SRP Council.
RPC sets the standards for establishing and managing the Register and approves processes for admitting individuals to it and, if necessary, removing individuals from it. Legally, RPC acts under delegated authority from SRP as the Licensor overseeing the Register. RPC has an independent chair and deputy chair.
SRP has become the first Licensee - a professional body or learned society which is granted a licence by RPC to admit its members to the Register. SRP also has seats on RPC as a Licensee. Other licensees will be able to join, provided they meet RPC's standards, and be able to admit their members to the Register.